CSME National Design Competition Submission Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Project Title *Name of University *Program of Study *Team Members Names *FirstLastTeam Members 2FirstLastTeam Members 3FirstLastTeam Members 4FirstLastTeam Members 5FirstLastTeam Members 6FirstLastTeam Members 7FirstLastTeam Members 8FirstLastContact Email *Project Introduction *Please give a short description of your project including the background and motivation (500 words max)Problem Exploration *Please give a short description of the approach you used to explore your problem (stakeholder interactions, research, etc.) (500 words max)Solution Development *Please give a short description of the techniques you used to develop different concepts and converge to a final solution (500 words max)Verification and Validation *What techniques did you use to verify and validate your designs (prototypes, physical testing, modelling, etc.) (500 words max)Novelty *What makes your design unique? (500 words max)Impact *How will your design affect the lived experience of your stakeholders, or your community? (500 words max)Poster Link *Please paste a link to your project poster file. Submit