Deadline Extended to Monday, May 6

The deadline for submissions has been extended to Monday, May 6. The winning projects will receive $750 and national exposure for their work. Don’t miss this opportunity!

La date limite de soumission a été repoussée au lundi 6 mai. Les projets gagnants recevront 750 dollars et bénéficieront d’une visibilité nationale pour leur travail. Ne manquez pas cette occasion !

Announcing the 2024 CSME National Design Competition

The CSME National Design Competition is back for 2024! The competition is open to all undergraduate students across Canada, not only those participating in Capstone courses. This can include members of competition teams or other, extracurricular design activities. We are once again looking for projects highlighting how young engineers aim to tackle climate changeaffect social changes and demonstrate exceptionalism in mechanical engineering. There will be cash prizes for the top projects as well as recognition from the CSME community.

The rules page will be updated shortly with details for the 2024 competition.

Announcing the winners of the 2023 CSME-NDC

We are excited to announce the winners of this year’s National Design Competition! The winning team in each category will receive $750. Congratulations to the winners, and thank you to all the entrants. Details of each project will be posted soon to the Past Winners page.

Sustainability Award
Project: Fine Cut - Accessible Printing Press
Team: Hosam Rezk, Mohamed Alshehri, Beshr Ibrik, Hazem Elkhaiat
McMaster University
Commercial Readiness Award
Project: Stretch 1.0 - Hobbyist Tensile Testing Machine
Team: Cole Elford, Oliver Kiessling
McMaster University
Technical Excellence Award
Project: Fulcra - Orthosis for Lower Back Pain
Team: Maria Calderbank, Emilie Davignon, Louis Tan, Roseline Theroux

Thank you to the judging team:

  • Dr. Grant McSorley (CSME NDC Chair, Assistant Prof, University of Prince Edward Island),
  • Dr. Dan Romanyk (CSME Chair of Student Affairs, Assistant Prof, University of Alberta),
  • Dr. Aman Usmani FCSME (CSME Chair of Engineering Analysis & Design, Principal Consultant, Kinetrics Inc)

As well as the Université de Sherbrooke for their generous sponsorship

2nd Call for Entries

We have opened up the competition for a 2nd Call for Entries! The final deadline is May 10 at 6pm ADT. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Nous avons réouvert le concours pour un deuxième appel à candidatures ! La date limite est fixée au 10 mai à 18 heures (HAA). Ne manquez pas cette occasion !


CSME is proud to announce the return of the CSME National design competition. This year, the competition is open to all undergraduate students across Canada, not only those participating in Capstone courses. We are looking for projects that highlight how young engineers are aiming to tackle climate changeaffect social changes and demonstrate exceptionalism in mechanical engineering. There will be cash prizes for the top projects as well as recognition from CSME community.

The rules page will be updated shortly with details for the 2023 competition.